Our Brigade has recently lost some of our truck drivers, including some of our more experienced members. All have left the Macedon Ranges area, and this has left us a little short on good truck drivers.
Whilst we still have a group of very good drivers, it would be great to have a few more so that we can spread the load. Our drivers are among our most important volunteers, as without them we would not be able to turn out.
If you have a Medium Rigid or above truck licence you can provide a valuable service to our community by joining the Woodend CFA. You will join our team of drivers who are required to ensure that our two tankers and pumper are able to turn out.
Naturally, you will need to live in the Woodend area, and as we are a 100% volunteer brigade it is not a paid position.
You will need undertake minimum skills training, which the Brigade will help fast track to ensure that you are operational as soon as possible. You will also need to undertake some additional training to ensure you are able to drive the trucks in emergency (lights and sirens) and bush conditions.
If you have a Medium Rigid or above truck licence please contact Captain Mick Christie on 0419 870 601, 1st Lieutenant Mike Dornau on 0409 093 935 or call the Woodend CFA on 5427 2356.

Thanks to The Leader for the photo.


  • Published: 8 years ago on July 5, 2016
  • Last Modified: July 5, 2016 @ 1:51 am

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