As the weather warms many of us start thinking about preparing for the next fire season ahead. Unfortunately the things we love about living in the bush become a source of fear and anxiety in the hot, dry months.
How do we protect ourselves from bushfire and still protect the plants and animals that make our area so special?
On Wednesday the 14th of November, Owen Gooding, CFA’s Vegetation Management Officer and a leading researcher on vegetation management and fire, discuss how to manage your property to reduce the risk of fire and to retain vegetation.
Owen suggests that you can enhance biodiversity and manage fire risk at the same time by taking practical steps to understand your vegetation, minimise fire danger and maximise biodiversity. He will help us understand fire behaviour, introduce a system of thinking in management zones and explain how we can landscape for bushfire protection.
The talk will commence at 7.30pm at the Woodend Neighbourhood House (47 Forest St, Woodend) and will be followed by a light supper. To assist with catering, please rsvp by emailing [email protected].

  • Published: 6 years ago on October 19, 2018
  • Last Modified: October 22, 2018 @ 6:32 am

News flash