Once again, the Woodend, Newham and Hesket-Kerrie CFA Brigades conducted the annual Good Friday Collection for the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal. A special thanks to all residents and visitors who donated so generously, raising a total of $11,908 – including $9,315 for Woodend, $1,729 for Hesket-Kerrie and $864 for Newham. A huge thank you to the Catering Crew of the Woodend CFA who ensured that all were well fed and watered, and those who helped with sorting and counting on the day.A special thank you ALSO to the team at the Bendigo Bank in Kyneton who assisted in the final money count.Unfortunately, we were not able to cover every home, so If we missed your house, you can also still donate online through the Virtual Tin Shake – simply go to https://fundraise.goodfridayappeal.com.au/fundrai…/Woodend. It’s so easy to do and your donation will add to the Woodend total.A great effort by everyone involved.

  • Published: 2 years ago on April 14, 2023
  • Last Modified: June 30, 2023 @ 6:03 am

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